The Different Types of Canine Enrichment         

When you look at a list of common dog behaviors like shredding, digging, and chasing squirrels, you might think, “Wait…aren’t these bad behaviors? I definitely don’t want my dog doing those!”         

But here’s the thing: many behaviors we think of as “bad” are actually totally normal for dogs. These behaviors stem from their wild ancestors—wolves. And the beauty of canine enrichment is that we can provide safe, controlled opportunities for dogs to express these natural instincts and many others. By giving your dog outlets to engage in these activities, we can not only prevent destructive behaviors but also enrich their lives in meaningful ways.         

Below, we’ll break down different types of enrichment and how to use them in a way that both satisfies your dog’s needs *and* keeps your home intact!         


Foraging is a totally natural behavior for dogs. In the wild, wolves would spend a lot of time hunting and scavenging for food. This instinct still lives on in our dogs today, and providing them with opportunities to forage is a great way to satisfy their mental and physical needs.         



Shredding and destroying things is another instinct rooted in a wolf's prey cycle. Wolves engage in various behaviors as part of the hunt, like searching, stalking, chasing, catching, and—finally—killing. Shredding falls under the “kill” phase of this cycle, where wolves would tear apart their prey. Though our pet dogs don’t need to catch a carcass to shred, they still have this natural urge to destroy things.         

Here are some ways to safely incorporate shredding into your dog’s enrichment routine:         

  • Shredding boxes/paper (add treats inside for extra fun!)
  • Shredding an iceberg lettuce (an outdoor mess-friendly option!)
  • Destroying a plush toy

Smiley dog making mess on floor         


Digging is another behavior that harks back to a wolf’s wild instincts. Wolves dig to create dens for shelter or to provide a comfortable resting place. While pet dogs tend to dig more recreationally, it’s still a natural behavior that they enjoy.         

Ways to give your dog a safe outlet for digging:         

  • Digging at the beach
  • DIY sand or mulch pit
  • Dig mat (a great product for indoor digging fun)

High angle dog at seaside         

Playing & Socializing

One of the key things humans selected for when they domesticated wolves was their ability to maintain a playful, social nature. Unlike wolves, which mature more quickly, dogs retain their playful, juvenile behaviors into adulthood—thanks to thousands of years of selective breeding. Play is crucial for dogs, not just for fun, but for social bonding and learning key survival skills.         

Here are some ways to keep your dog happily playing:         

  • Roughhousing
  • Tug-of-war
  • Zoomies
  • Fetch
  • Chewing on plush toys



Sniffing is your dog’s most important sense! Their sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than a human’s. Think of it this way: if humans see the world through their eyes, dogs “see” the world through their noses! In the wild, wolves use their sense of smell to gather vital information about their environment, track prey, and communicate with their pack.         

Sniffing is so important for dogs that it actually lowers their heart rate—so it’s not just enriching for their mind, it’s also calming. That’s why it’s so important to incorporate sniffing into your dog’s enrichment routine.         

Ways to boost sniffing in your dog’s day:         



Chasing is another key part of the prey cycle for dogs. It’s the third step in the “search, stalk, chase, catch, kill” cycle that their wolf ancestors engage in. Most pet dogs love to chase, whether it’s a ball, a frisbee, or even a squirrel darting up a tree. It’s an instinct that can be safely funneled into enrichment activities.         

Try these activities to let your dog chase:         



Licking is probably one of the most well-known enrichment activities for dogs, especially with the rise of LickiMats. Licking isn’t just about grooming—it’s a soothing behavior that helps dogs release endorphins and calm down. This behavior can be traced back to their wolf ancestors as well, where pups would nurse from their mothers for comfort and nourishment. Licking is also a social behavior for them, seen in wolves when grooming each other or as part of pack bonding.         

Ways to use licking for enrichment:         


Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is vital for all dogs. Wolves in the wild can travel up to 30 miles in a single day, so physical activity is in their blood. While our pet dogs don’t need quite that much exercise, regular activity is essential for keeping them fit, healthy, and mentally stimulated.         

Ways to keep your dog active:         

  • Walks
  • Running
  • Chasing (see above)
  • Playing (see above)

Cute shiba inu pet with family         

Breed-Related Enrichment

Finally, one of the most enriching things you can do for your dog is to provide breed-specific enrichment. Different breeds were developed for different tasks—retrieving, herding, hunting, etc. By engaging in activities related to your dog’s breed, you give them a deeper sense of fulfillment. For example, Labrador Retrievers love water and retrieving (including retrieving you your dirty socks), while Border Collies need extra mental stimulation and have a strong instinct to herd. Understanding your dog’s breed history can help you design an enrichment routine that taps into their natural instincts.         

To provide the best breed-specific enrichment:         

  • Learn about your dog’s breed history.
  • Incorporate activities that align with their natural instincts.
  • Look at how modern-day working dogs in your breed are kept fulfilled.

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